Monday, March 17, 2008

Science Notebook update

Howdy folks!
I am ready to update the science notebook entries. These are a backup in case you are absent and can not ask anyone from your table group for help. This is also to give parents an idea of the kinds of things we are talking about in class and what kind of things may show up on the test.

If you have any questions please feel email me at

Monday, March 10, 2008

How about this weather, huh?

Well folks, here we go again!

Quarter 3 for Crosswinds Pangaea house is all about the weather. Cool weather, hot weather, bad weather and winter weather we shall discover it all over the next two months.

Anna Barker will be helping us out this quarter in the lab. She has many specialties from Master Gardener to Language Arts teacher, to International Baccalaureate guru. Her focus will be to help students make connections from the text to the classroom. She will be working with students to help get them prepared for State tests coming up this quarter. She recently returned from visiting her daughter in India and has lots of stories to share.

In order to tackle the complex topic of weather, we have broken it down into the study of air, the study of water, and the study of heat. We will devote a few weeks to each and then take the last few weeks to tie it all together.

The year is half over so now the expectations will rise even higher to help prepare them for next year. This will manifest itself in the form of more homework, more tests, as well as more challenging projects and labs.

To help students with their science notebooks, I hope to be able to post entries which include the warm up question (and answer), goal, and quote of the day to the blog so students can keep their notebooks up to date even if they are absent.

If you have any questions please feel email me at